Five Questions to Ask Your Body

imagesTrue health is more than a lack of disease or pain. Emotional, mental and spiritual well-being all contribute to our overall experience of good health and positive satisfaction with ourselves and life. The new and evolving heath paradigm includes empowered self-awareness and a taking back of our power to actively participate in creating optimum mind, body and spirit wellness.

Your body is always communicating to you and it is ready to revel both the positive and negative influences that are impacting your health. Yet, it’s messages often bypass logic and reasoning and are more intuitive in nature. For instance, pain or physical discomfort can be a type of intuitive message alerting you that something needs attention. Feelings of inner peace and harmony are also messages, informing you of a positive state of health. Your body communicates to you through your emotions, thoughts, sensations, images, vibration, messages, synchronisities  and dreams. With a little help and practice you can learn how to better tune into the messages being sent your way and work in unison with your body’s intelligence.

The Conversation

Although listening to your body is easy and natural, we do not always know how to get the conversation started.

To begin, it is important to relax and slip into a receptive and attentive state. Get comfortable and close your eyes. Breathe a few deep relaxing breaths. Scan your body starting at the top of your head. Move your awareness down through your body and become aware of any place that is sore or tense or tight.

Once you become aware of an area of soreness, tension or tightness, ask these five questions to begin the dialogue.

If this area had a voice what would it be saying?

What is the emotional energy of this area?

What is the mental thought energy or beliefs and attitudes associated with this area?

What message does my spirit have for me concerning this area?

What do I need to heal?

Ask yourself one question at a time then, pause and listen within. If your mind begins to wander or you start overthinking instead of listening, go back to the breath and repeat the question.

What to Expect

Trust your initial impressions. Give yourself time to correctly interpret and understand everything that you receive. Some messages will make sense immediately, the meaning of others may unfold over time. It is enough to begin a conversation. Simply communicating with your body, caring for yourself and listening, activates healing.

Intuited Thoughts

Intuitive thoughts are persistent and repetitive. They will not always jump out at you or initially seem important. You may hear words, phrases, sentences or intuit a complete knowing and understanding in a particular area of your health.

It is likely, you will also experience a fair amount of mind chatter. This is normal. In the midst of random thoughts, your body will still communicate with you.

Intuited Feelings

In response to your questions your body my release suppressed emotions. You may feel a knot of emotional energy letting go and not understand its origin or importance. Quite often just feeling the emotions and feelings that surface is enough, as this is all it takes to release them. Feel all of your emotions as they surface, without suppressing or trying to understand them.

Intuited Body Sensations

Your body may communicate to your through a variety of sensations. You may feel an increase in energy like an accelerated vibration moving through you. Certain areas of your body may feel more dense or tight. You may intuit information through your solar plexus as a gut knowing. Messages may come in the form of inspiration or the motivation to get out and take a walk or move your body through dance or another enjoyable activity.

Intuited Images

Your body may communicate to you through images that are symbolic, figurative, cartoon like or realistic looking and three dimensional. Your intuition and imagination work together to empower you to better understand what your body is communicating. Images can be seen with inner sight, felt or sometimes we just know what they look like without clearly seeing them. Allow the images to change, morph into new forms and communicate with you. If you do not understand a particular image, ask to see it in a new way.

Different Forms of Guidance

Some of the messages you receive may not necessarily seem to be related to your health. You might receive a suggestion to avoid certain stressful situations, seek more solitude and pursue a new occupation. You may suddenly feel the need to free yourself from a limiting relationship, speak your truth and heal emotional wounds or practice forgiveness and compassion. Although these issues may not seem to directly impact your health, they are. The root of good health is in your ability to stay in alignment with your true essence. When you are not in the flow of the power of your spirit, your health will eventually suffer in some way.

Continue to ask yourself questions and intuitively listen within. Once you have begun to communicate with your body, it will continue to send you messages. Messages may surface through your dreams or through your feelings, thoughts and an inner sense of knowing. Keep a journal document your health dreams and other intuitive information that spontaneously surfaces.

Seek help from other resources if needed.

If you encounter a physical issue or other information that concerns you, consult with a physician or medical professional. Use what your body has communicated to you to better equip you in getting additional help and support. If you become aware of suppressed memories, old traumas or if difficult emotions or memories surface, consult a therapist or healer. Do not try to do everything yourself. Allow others to help and assist you in further healing.

Develop Your Medical Intuition


  1. tara lila rose Avatar

    I have been holistically and magically healed of numerous so-called “incurable” illnesses and syndromes and have helped others to do the same….including animals. Your books helped me with this last episode and I am eternally grateful. I didn’t realize I had the gift of mediumship until my Dad showed up in his spirit body to assist me by giving me a blessing/ healing beyond what all the healings that I ever experience put together could have ever done! This has truly been an extraordinary journey. My dog (the love of my life) developed large and overlapping stones in her tiny bladder and was healed totally holistically too. It feels as though my life is turning into a magic carpet ride. It’s so great compared to the roller coaster it once was. Recently I was sutprised to learn about yet another gift which is telekenesis. I opened a door with my mind. This kind of stuff is happening more and more. Recently my Mom was taken ill and she actually allowed me to take care of her. She had an extraordinary recovery and a breakthru in her consciousness that others said would never happen. She has all the same gifts as myself but sadly denied and suppresed them for most of her life. I want to be a source of inspiration to others similarly as you have been Sherrie! Please pray for me that God will make a way for me to do that. Thanx in advance.

    1. Sherrie Dillard Avatar

      Thanks so much, Tara Lila Rose, God always has a plan and a purpose. Love and abilities are never wasted.
      You are a blessing

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